I rarely have time to post these days... so much of my time is wrapped up in a smallish sweet smelling, cuddly turtle. Then when I do get on here, all I seem to do is talk about her, and I'm sure some of my readers are BORED by that.
J.K. (only slightly)
I'm trying to find the balance of where she ends and I start again. People keep asking if I'm writing or painting, or sculpting. The only writing I have done is the logs in her baby book. I have been painting... I have finished a series of paintings for nurseries that are for sale. Yey. But no real words on paper, of the literary type.
I'm just absolutely engulfed by her. I think I will get up in the middle of the night, while she is asleep and write, but I can't tear myself away from the precious creature that lays beside me, I still wake up at night and stare at her, in wonderment, amazement and joy. She nuzzles into me and she fits as perfectly outside me as she did when she was inside.
i have two dear friends who are expecting soon. One is due this month and the other, next. It will be exciting to see it all from the other side. We've been all a chatter about the journey. It's been fun to watch others go through such an amazing wonderful time.
I must go now.
Maybe next time it will be about something not relating to my offspring.